
Strengthen your organization in turbulent times

The current social situation is worrisome for many. Horror scenes in the news, shootings on the streets and financial difficulties affect both individual employees and entire organizations. Support your employees and keep track of your crisis management.

How your organization and your employees are affected by what's happening in the world around varies. Some employees feel a lot of anxiety, while others are not worried at all. As a manager, you need to address existing concerns but also normalize the fact that everyone feels differently, and it's not wrong to not be worried either.

If you have employees who are directly affected or have previous trauma, it is especially important to reach out to them and talk. You may need to adjust their workload or implement other interventions. To ensure readiness in a crisis situation, it is also crucial for you as a manager to review your crisis plan and policies and ensure they are followed, with everyone involved knowing what's expected.

If anxiety takes over

A little worry is normal, but if anxiety turns into rumination and prolonged heightened stress, it may be good to intervene. Signs of anxiety can be common stress symptoms like poor sleep, but also isolation or increased alcohol consumption as a way to temporarily alleviate anxiety. Be attentive to and address any unusual behaviors in your employees.

There is much you can do to manage anxiety and difficult emotions on your own. It is important to stick to routines and focus on things you can actually control. It is also empowering to work on self-compassion by understanding your own reactions and taking extra care of yourself.

Encourage employees who do not share the same concerns or are directly affected to support others around them. One organized way to do this is to have peer supporters who can help keep an extra eye on their colleagues.

Manager supports employees

Get help from a crisis support expert

In times of heightened social unease, employees may need to discuss thoughts and feelings that are not easy to share with colleagues, friends, or family. In such cases, it can be beneficial to turn to professionals who can provide counseling and assistance in dealing with general anxiety and uncertainty.

To minimize risk and enhance crisis preparedness, it is also crucial to take preventive measures. If you seek expert advice, you can get help with tasks ranging from training peer supporters to reviewing your crisis management and crisis plan. In the event of an acute crisis, there is also the option of instant assistance and resource mobilization through Falck.

You can learn more about our crisis support here.

Actions to take on your own

  1. Maintain daily routines
    Sticking to routines offers a sense of control that can have a calming effect on the entire system. This reduces the need for excessive thinking and helps improve overall well-being.
  2. Limit news exposure
    If you find that news updates are triggering your anxiety, consider setting rules for yourself regarding how often and how much you check news apps.
  3. Take actions
    Helping others and making a positive contribution is proven to boost your own well-being. You can donate money, offer your time, or connect with people in your close circle who may need support.
  4. Fact check sources
    During crises, information tends to spread rapidly, making it essential to critically evaluate the sources of information.
  5. Seek assistance when necessary
    Reach out to those close to you, contact your employer, or seek guidance from a professional.